
How to connect to wps file roaming on android
How to connect to wps file roaming on android

how to connect to wps file roaming on android

In this case I leave /data/misc/wifi/wpa_nf and /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml untouched and just pop into wpa_cli using adb shell wpa_cli Setup > add_networkĬTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID= I don't have a USB-C Network card so using that isn't an option at this stage. Solutions for connecting to Wifi OR otherwise getting VNC access to the Android display (using ADB usb only) are welcome. My goal for this broken phone is to use it as a headless server either via LinuxDeploy or native apps for Android, and for that I need to get VNC running and for that I need to connect to Wifi somehow. Other methods that I tried are also mentioned but with no success.

how to connect to wps file roaming on android

The closest I have got is via wpa_cli using the method #1 described below. I've tried all publicly discussed methods I could find to connect to WiFi via ADB on a phone with a broken screen (no display/no touch).

How to connect to wps file roaming on android