
App for photo collage without lines
App for photo collage without lines

app for photo collage without lines

Type III is important for the hollow things in your body – like large blood vessels, the bowel and bladder. Type II collagen is thinner than type I, and is used in cartilage all bunched up like springs for shock absorption. Type I collagen is - ounce for ounce - stronger than steel. These types all form relatively long fibers (compared to body cells). Collagen is an amazing construction material.Ĭollagen comes in many forms, but the vast majority in your body consists of types I, II and III.

app for photo collage without lines

It gives your bones structure, too, by acting as ‘reinforcing rods’. It provides structure to your arteries, keeping them strong and flexible. It helps the cartilage in your joints remain supple. Collagen gives your skin strength and resilience. Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body, and it’s a major part of your tendons, skin, bones, teeth, muscles and ligaments.

App for photo collage without lines