
Flat earth map model
Flat earth map model

flat earth map model

If you are interested in reading more about snell's law of refraction, you should check out our Snell's law calculator here. That's why, when you are calculating the obstructed height of an object, the distances you see maybe a bit different from the observed ones! That means that some photons from the object that would usually hit the ground can bend around the Earth's surface and reach your eye, so the heights and distances as shown in the picture above may seem to be different. For example, refraction can happen when light hits a pocket of cold air or a hot draft of rising air.Īs the ray of light bends slightly, it changes direction.

flat earth map model

A trio of scientists have devised a new way to try to represent our spherical planet as a flat picture with a new class of projection. When light travels through a medium that is not perfectly uniform, such as air, it bends or refracts. A double-sided projection to show off our 3D planet in 2D. Of course not! It just means that our calculator doesn't account for the phenomenon of refraction. Why does this happen? Does it mean the Earth is flat and doesn't curve at all? a real-life scenario, our calculator might be slightly wrong in some cases. You might find that if you were to test our calculator vs.

Flat earth map model